Saturday, September 19, 2009

Constitution Kid

The 8th graders at Thing 2's school, participated in Constitution Day. If they dressed up in either colonial costume, or put together a red, white and blue costume, they could get extra freebies that day.

At pretty much the last minute, my boy decided he wanted to dress up. It was last minute, but hey, he's in 8th grade, he wants to participate.... I'm not going to stop him!! So we began the hunt for an Uncle Sam top hat and a few other articles he wanted.

It was funny (pathetic?) because apparently, so few participated with 'costumes', he actually won!!

We took a large flag sticker and cut out pieces of the star
area and the red stripes to create the tie

He designed his canvas loafers to
look like a flag, when his feet were together

For the love of a son, did I this...
Cutting out the itty bitty stars off the sticker
to put onto his loafers

We could not find anything, anywhere as far as costuming goes.
That is a pinata on his head.
He is just crazy enough to wear it with panache.

I'm glad our school is still teaching that the Constitution has value and is worth remembering.


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