Saturday, September 5, 2009

Forced Vaccinations and Quarantines?

There's been a lot of discussion and debate happening regarding whether or not the government should be allowed to enforce vaccinations and/or quarantines on persons with the H1N1 flu... and other communicable diseases.

Massachusetts Senate just passed a bill,and is waiting on the House to approve it, that would allow the MA government incredible amounts of discretion and authority over their citizens. Anarticle from Free Republic discusses this bill and lists the Constitutional amendments that it violates. I encourage you to read it to see the types of laws our elected representatives are trying to put into place.

The Examiner News has answered the question as to whether it is legal for the U.S. Government to have this authority, and the answer is YES. Their article, which includes excerpts from the National Vaccination Information Center (America's vaccination watchdog) and information from the CDC, is very interesting and informative.

The power has been there for some time, but, in light of the H1N1 flu and our current president, never has the possibility of this type of government control been so imminent. The old adage, Give him an inch and he'll take a mile is seen regularly in the character and decisions of this president.

His predilection for searching the archives for any and every legal power ever bestowed upon the presidency (and then some), and then his loose interpretation and abuse of those powers and our Constitution, makes me wonder if soon, the citizens of the free republic of the United Sates might be living and experiencing life, as we've previously only read about in the pages of political science fiction thrillers.



Edie said...

I am convinced that we will lose our freedoms and fall under a dictatorship. All of the pieces are in place. Of course there is the brewing of a real revolution. One thing is sure. Something BIG is about to happen in our nation.

I hope you got my email.

Debbie said...

Joel 2:12-13 Return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning. Rend your garments. Return to the Lord your God because He is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and He relents from sending calamity.

Hopefully, US citizens will wake up before it's too late, if it's not already too late. Have to wonder how much of this is the final birth pains - which isn't a whole lot of fun for most people. I think as Christians we've thought we'd be under a spiritual anesthetic and wake up to find the 'baby' born but I don't believe it will be like that.

Debbie said...

Forgot to add on last post-
GREAT JOB, Barb, on getting this info out!