Saturday, September 19, 2009

Constitution Kid

The 8th graders at Thing 2's school, participated in Constitution Day. If they dressed up in either colonial costume, or put together a red, white and blue costume, they could get extra freebies that day.

At pretty much the last minute, my boy decided he wanted to dress up. It was last minute, but hey, he's in 8th grade, he wants to participate.... I'm not going to stop him!! So we began the hunt for an Uncle Sam top hat and a few other articles he wanted.

It was funny (pathetic?) because apparently, so few participated with 'costumes', he actually won!!

We took a large flag sticker and cut out pieces of the star
area and the red stripes to create the tie

He designed his canvas loafers to
look like a flag, when his feet were together

For the love of a son, did I this...
Cutting out the itty bitty stars off the sticker
to put onto his loafers

We could not find anything, anywhere as far as costuming goes.
That is a pinata on his head.
He is just crazy enough to wear it with panache.

I'm glad our school is still teaching that the Constitution has value and is worth remembering.


Saturday, September 5, 2009

Forced Vaccinations and Quarantines?

There's been a lot of discussion and debate happening regarding whether or not the government should be allowed to enforce vaccinations and/or quarantines on persons with the H1N1 flu... and other communicable diseases.

Massachusetts Senate just passed a bill,and is waiting on the House to approve it, that would allow the MA government incredible amounts of discretion and authority over their citizens. Anarticle from Free Republic discusses this bill and lists the Constitutional amendments that it violates. I encourage you to read it to see the types of laws our elected representatives are trying to put into place.

The Examiner News has answered the question as to whether it is legal for the U.S. Government to have this authority, and the answer is YES. Their article, which includes excerpts from the National Vaccination Information Center (America's vaccination watchdog) and information from the CDC, is very interesting and informative.

The power has been there for some time, but, in light of the H1N1 flu and our current president, never has the possibility of this type of government control been so imminent. The old adage, Give him an inch and he'll take a mile is seen regularly in the character and decisions of this president.

His predilection for searching the archives for any and every legal power ever bestowed upon the presidency (and then some), and then his loose interpretation and abuse of those powers and our Constitution, makes me wonder if soon, the citizens of the free republic of the United Sates might be living and experiencing life, as we've previously only read about in the pages of political science fiction thrillers.


Friday, September 4, 2009

Ouch!!! Now THAT'S a SLAM!

My husband was reading through an internet Op-Ed piece, and shared a humorous, incredibly pithy and intellectually crafted review regarding another magazine's staff writer.

"Nevermind that his writing is more than uninformative, it is informationally subtractive. Read him and you'll know less than you know now... Read him carefully, and you'll know nothing."


A good writer never needs to resort to name-calling or foul language, to make his point. Intelligent usage of the English language, emphasized by creative vocabulary selection is all that is needed.


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Girl In My Mirror

The girl in my mirror... surely that can't be me?! She must be someone else!

For an amusing prayer written about the effects of aging, please read Edie's Dear God post, and the equally entertaining - yet heartfelt - comments from women who understand.


Is Obama Staging an Education Take-Over Now?

On September 8, 2009, at 12:00 pm (EST), President Obama is once again, creating an historical

'Kodak' moment for us. He will broadcast a live national address to our children, via the internet, while they are in their classrooms.

Do you know what the President will say to your children? Do you know what the teachers are supposed to ask the children before, during and after the presentation, to help President Obama achieve his goal of this address?

If we find out, after the fact, that the President only talked to the kids about doing their best at attending school, studying, test taking... things we parents do every day... that it was not politically driven at all, will we then deem it a harmless program?

I think not.

Since everything this president has touched has collapsed, unravelled or been vigorously and systematically torn apart and ridiculed (by him), it makes me wonder if this seemingly innocent endeavor is truly part of a much more insidious plan.

  • Gradually introducing his use of the internet as a national media choice (aren't we hearing that he is trying to get together a plan to allow him to take over the internet... "for emergency measures" ?).
  • Becoming a familiar, friendly, helpful face and voice to impressionable youth (getting them used to him and his ideas, to help in their future indoctrination into the Civilian Security Force?).
  • Slowly, carefully insinuating himself into the educational system that hosts our children for 7+ hours each day (and hasn't every 'system' that he has touched ended up destroyed when he walked away from it?).
No. If this president has his hand stirring in the pot, I find it suspicious, at best; downright sinister, in its probable actuality.
